December 20, 2023
3 min read

Embracing the Future of Work in 2024: Technology and Culture

“The future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed.” - William Gibson

At Cobry we’re on a mission to continually explore what work means today. We then use everything we learn from our own practice to help our customers get ahead of their competitors. In that exploration, we’ve found that two areas are changing rapidly and constantly playing off of each other - workplace technology and workplace culture.

The Big Shift: More Than Just a Trend

Did you know that nearly half of millennials are considering leaving their jobs within two years? Or that 40% of today's top companies will likely not be trading in the next few years? These sorts of stark facts are not just numbers; they're a wake-up call. The world of work is changing fast, and it's not slowing down.

Post-COVID: A New Work Ethos

The pandemic was a game-changer in so many respects, and the world of work was arguably the most affected area of our lives. With 25% of workers still working from home and nearly half in Scotland opting for a hybrid model, it's clear that our work habits have been transformed forever. Interestingly, people now value the flexibility of working from home as much as an 8% salary increase. Who would've thought?

The New Employee Wishlist

Gone are the days when a competitive pay check was enough. Today's workforce craves flexibility, fulfilment, and a sense of belonging. They're looking for workplaces that value collaboration, learning, and personal development. It's about creating a work environment that fosters autonomy, accountability, and most importantly, trust and care.

Leaders at Crossroads

Leaders are now at a critical juncture - all this change brings serious tests. Those at the top of organisations must navigate these changes, focusing on effective management, innovation, security, and sustainability. Getting it right means striking a delicate balance between embracing change while not losing the ‘soul’ of your business.

Learn from the Past

Remember Blockbuster? Or certain car manufacturers that missed the electric revolution? These are graphic reminders of the cost of not adapting. The message is clear: evolve or risk becoming irrelevant.

The Cobry Way: Culture and Technology

Cobry's approach is twofold: evolving culture and embracing technology. A culture where solving complex problems in a collaborative environment is the norm. We practice what we preach, with initiatives like a four-day work week, a remote-first policy, and an emphasis on learning and sustainability. We also place a great emphasis on our managers - they’re the guardians for our culture and the well-being of our people.

On the technology front, we only use tools that are truly cloud-based which means that not only do our team have a remote-first and adaptable working environment, but also there is no compromise on security. By using the right tools we can have the best of both worlds. We believe it is businesses with this ‘digital dexterity’ that will be best placed to thrive and compete in the coming years.

Cobry's Mission

Cobry isn't just about adapting to change; we’re about leading it, embracing it. Our mission is to help organisations navigate this new world of work and we believe that change can be a beautiful thing.

The Takeaway

The future of work is not a distant concept; for some businesses, it's already here. It's about creating spaces where flexibility, learning, and collaboration are at the forefront. As we all step into this new era, we hope other businesses might be inspired by our example and embrace change not just as a way to survive, but as an opportunity to grow and thrive.

For some, the future of work may already be here. Our goal at Cobry is to help distribute that new reality to as many organisations as possible.

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