March 16, 2023
4 min read

Can big tech save the planet? 

A banner for the b corp certification.

Cobry’s commitment to Sustainability 

At Cobry, we believe that businesses have a responsibility to use their resources and influence to create positive change in the world. That's why we're proud to have recently become a certified B Corp. In this article, we'll cover what B Corp is, why it matters, and how we achieved this certification. 

What is B Corp?

B Corp certification is given to companies that meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. To become certified, companies must undergo a comprehensive assessment of their impact across all areas of their business, from governance and employee practices to community engagement and environmental stewardship. The certification process is administered by B Lab, a nonprofit organisation that sets the standards and verifies the performance of certified companies.
Companies must score 80 points out of 200 on the assessment to qualify for certification. Once a company has completed the assessment, it must also sign the B Corp Declaration of Interdependence and meet legal requirements for the certification. This includes meeting B Corp legal standards, which require companies to consider the impact of their decisions on all stakeholders, not just shareholders. Companies that achieve certification have demonstrated a deep commitment to using their business as a force for good and creating positive change in the world. To put this into context, the average score for most businesses completing the assessment is around 50 points.

Our B Corp Certification

At Cobry we are thrilled to have met the 80 point requirement and to receive this certification, which reflects our long-standing commitment to doing business in a responsible and sustainable way. We believe that businesses have a responsibility to use their resources and influence to create positive change in the world, and becoming a B Corp is an important milestone towards achieving that goal.

Notably, we were awarded a relatively high score for environmental management practices and their impact on air, climate, water, land, and biodiversity. This involved measuring the direct impact of our operations, supply chain, and distribution channels. Our main offerings and services have been carefully designed to have a positive impact on the environment by reducing carbon emissions mainly through reduced energy consumption, by using Google’s Cloud Technology. We have implemented many initiatives aimed at reducing our carbon footprint and our sustainability committee is actively looking at engaging in further opportunities to do so, alongside a longstanding commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Overall, through various aspects of our corporate social responsibility, environmental governance, and commitment to diversity and inclusion, we have been able to meet the high standards of social and environmental impact that not only merit B Corp Certification but represent the company's long-term goals and vision to contribute to a sustainable future. 

Through our shared values across the company and its stakeholders, Cobry’s founder and Managing Director, Colin Bryce, has always prioritised Cobry putting sustainability first. Colin’s vision led him to set the foundations for Cobry as a company that promotes products and services that help make work more collaborative and sustainable. In his words

“I may have my head in the cloud but I believe Big Tech can help to save the planet”. 

Ryan McKenna, Cobry’s Head of Finance and Operations has also shared his thoughts on the matter.

“I’m extremely pleased and proud that we are now part of a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact. This is an excellent step forward for Cobry and provides a true reflection of our company values". 

Most of all, we would like to thank our partners, customers, and employees for all their support over the years, allowing us to reach this important milestone!

Continuing the Journey

We are committed to continuous improvement and collective action. As part of the B Corp community, we are looking forward to improving our score, strengthening and engaging in new relationships with other B Corps, and helping new customers. We hope that this inspires others to join us in the movement toward a more sustainable and equitable future. If you would like to find out more about how Cobry can make your business more sustainable Get in touch

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