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Updateli for Google Workspace

A Google Workspace Chat app that sends you Google Workspace updates straight into your Google Chat space.


A Chat app made for Google Workspace enthusiasts

We love Workspace. If you're here, you probably love Workspace too, which means you'll love this app.

Be the first to know
Discuss and Debate
Maximise adoption.

We built this application internally at Cobry, so everyone in the organisation knew about the new features that Google was releasing. 

Because the updates are released in a Google Chat space, we could discuss and debate and generally get excited about these updates.

We saw in increase in Google Workspace knowledge, adoption, and general confidence. We want to spread these positive outcomes with other organisations on Workspace - so we made the application public and free!


Built on Google Cloud, for Google Cloud.

Updateli architecture diagram

This App is a prime example of what the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and the Cobry team are capable of. It's a great case study for how Chat applications are made on Google Cloud. AND it's made for Google Workspace. Double-whammy!

If you want to hear about the inner workings and plumbing behind the App, we've built it in public.

Check out our blog!

Keen? Install it for free!

  1. Visit Google Chat
  2. Click the + beside "Bots" in the sidebar
  3. Select "Updateli for Workspace"
  4. Click Add to space
  5. Select your space
  6. Click Add 


Make sure to read our terms, too!

How to install the updateli bot.

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24 Sandyford Place, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, G3 7NG
167/169 Great Portland Street, 5th Floor, London, W1W 5PF
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